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欧美剧英国20202024-06-03 02:06:31




小工匠影视于2022-07-16 08:07:06收藏此影片,《索尔兹伯里投毒案》是索尔·迪勃导演的英国影片 其主要演员有:安-玛莉·杜芙,拉菲·斯波,玛安娜·本灵,马克·阿蒂,安伯·阿迦,贝恩·科拉科,斯蒂芬妮·吉尔,约翰尼·哈里斯

《索尔兹伯里投毒案》主要讲述了Filming has begun this week on Salisbury, an engrossing three-part factual drama for BBC Two written by Adam Patterson and Declan Lawn and produced by Dancing Ledge Productions. Leading the esteemed cast is Anne-Marie Duff (Shameless, His Dark Materials), who is joined by Rafe Spall (The War Of The Worlds, Denmark), Mark Addy (Game Of Thrones, Downton Abbey) Annabel Scholey (The Split, Britannia), Johnny Harris (This Is England ‘86, Jawbone) and MyAnna Buring (The Witcher, Ripper Street). Salisbury focuses on the impact the 2018 Novichok poisonings had on the local community. The drama tells the remarkable story of how ordinary people and public services reacted to a crisis on their doorstep, displaying extraordinary heroism as their city became the focus of an unprecedented national emergency. Salisbury captures the bravery, resilience and, in some cases, personal tragedy of the unsuspecting locals, who faced a situation of unimaginable horror so close to home. Additional cast include Ron Cook, Stella Gonet, Faye McKeever, Kimberley Nixon and Duncan Pow. Writers Adam Patterson and Declan Lawn say: It’s a privilege to be able to tell the story of people who were deeply affected by the events in Salisbury. During our months of research we have been humbled to hear their stories, and to be able to tell them in this drama. Laurence Bowen, Executive Producer for Dancing Ledge Productions, says: This is a story we all think we know, but the truth of what people experienced and of the local response to the chemical attack, is shocking and humbling in equal measure. Lucy Richer, Executive Producer for the BBC, says: To have such a distinguished cast taking part in the drama is testament to the strength and quality of Adam and Declan’s scripts. We are honoured to be telling this astonishing, powerful and moving story on the BBC. Executive Producers are Laurence Bowen and Chris Carey for Dancing Ledge Productions, Lucy Richer for the BBC and Adam Patterson and Declan Lawn. It is directed by Saul Dibb (Dublin Murders, The Duchess, Bullet Boy) and produced by Karen Lewis (Years And Years, Happy Valley, Last Tango In Halifax). FremantleMedia are handling international distribution.




  • ①请问哪个平台可以免费在线观看英国《索尔兹伯里投毒案》?
  • 极速影视网网友:在线观看地址https://www.xgjjc.net/jq/yingping/22385.html

  • ②《索尔兹伯里投毒案》是哪些演员主演的?
  • 奇瑞影视网友:主要演员有安-玛莉·杜芙,拉菲·斯波,玛安娜·本灵,马克·阿蒂,安伯·阿迦,贝恩·科拉科,斯蒂芬妮·吉尔,约翰尼·哈里斯

  • ③《索尔兹伯里投毒案》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?
  • 天堂影院网友:2020年,详细日期也可以去百度百科查询。

  • ④喜剧片《唐人街探案3》如果播放卡顿怎么办?
  • 百度贴吧网友:小工匠影视播放页面卡顿可以刷新网页或者更换播放源。

  • ⑤手机版免费在线点播《索尔兹伯里投毒案》哪些网站还有资源?
  • 手机电影网网友:电影天堂网神马电影手机端神马电影网传奇影院

  • ⑥《索尔兹伯里投毒案》的网友评价:
  • Mtime时光网网友:我一直认为,源于感觉的使我愈是境界辽阔则愈敬佩一种艺术形式,它就是这部影片的独有魅力,感谢小工匠影视为我们收藏的影视作品。

  • 极速影视网网友评论:索尔·迪勃 导演的作品都是非常优秀的,其中最为经典的就是《索尔兹伯里投毒案》,这部作品有泪水、有欢笑,通过剧情我们感受到虚拟故事中的感情是多彩的,并不同于我们现实中不爽就一直玩的感觉,虚拟感情的交错,当看完之后会觉得更加舒畅。

  • 360影视网友评价:通过《真理面具动态漫》影片中的故事让我们了解到社会,去理解社会上的每一个现象,即使我们没有经历也能够了解到大千世界的复杂纷乱,能够让我们看到这个精彩绝伦又复杂的社会。

  • 豆瓣电影网友:《索尔兹伯里投毒案》这部电视剧不同于其他电视剧作品,整部作品没有紧迫感、虚浮的情节及杂乱的画面,却在不断教导我们有种润物细无声的感觉(在这里省去很多字)。我们观看电影或是电视剧经常是融入剧情当中,在不知不觉中去了解这些似乎不容易被我们所发现、所理解的道理!
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